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Faces of Blue: Lori Vanta

By March 18, 2012Faces of Blue

FOB-LoriVantaHi my Name is Lori Vanta. I am a 41 yr old who lives in San Antonio Texas. I have the great honor of being a stay at home Mom to two wonderful children.

I was first diagnosed in 2008 at the age of 37. Prior to diagnosis, I had a large polyp in my rectum. It was bleeding and very painful. I had a colonoscopy and a biopsy of the polyp. At first no cancer showed up, then had the polyp surgically removed and after a full biopsy determined a third of it had colorectal cancer.

I was cancer free for two years and then in 2010 my cancer metastasized to my lung and liver. After a year of treatment I was cancer free for five months and then has returned in my lungs again Jan 2012. We are currently fighting that now! I had surgery, 6 months radiation to the chest, cyber knife radiation to the liver, and six months chemo. I am in a new chemo now.

It was hard for me to let people help. Help in even the simple things like making a dinner or helping around the house. I had to learn to take time to rest and heal. However, being effected by colon cancer has made me stop and take time to take care of me. That is hard because I am a caretaker to my beautiful children and husband. It has been hard for my family to see me go through it, but at the same time I believe has made them stronger and showed them how to deal with the ups and downs that life throws you. I have also been blessed to meet other cancer patients and help encourage them. We can be survivors. It has also given me a stronger Faith in God.

Words of wisdom: First of all, you are NOT alone in your fight. Also know that cancer is NOT a death sentence. There is so much out there now that can and will help you overcome this disease. It is so important to keep a positive attitude. Stand tall and stand strong. My Faith in God has pulled me through every time. Get your support system and lean on those who love you. And on the days you can’t stand they will hold you up. Don’t let cancer steal your JOY. You are an overcomer and you will be a Survivor!!!

Everyone has a bad day and I say it’s ok as long as the next day you pull yourself up and stand tall again. A positive attitude makes all the difference. Be around people who also are positive and can uplift you. Pray and pray! It brings comfort and healing!

I am a colorectal cancer SURVIVOR since 2008. We don’t always get to choose what life throws at us but I feel whatever it is make the best of it. I have been through surgeries, radiation, and chemo. It hasn’t always been the easiest road to travel but I am blessed to be here. We all know the bad things cancer brings to our lives but what about the good in it? See I feel you should always find the good in all circumstances. I have been able through this experience to meet some very amazing people. From the nurses who care for me so lovingly, they really are angels in disguise! To my wonderful doctors who amaze me daily with their dedication to find answers to fight this disease. To some of the greatest cancer survivor friends. Who I watch and am amazed at their strength and courage and passion for life. I have been able to witness personally the amazing Grace of God. The peace and comfort and JOY He gives me in the midst of the storm.

I have a new way of looking at life. Things that were important before aren’t so much anymore. A new love for just being alive and soaking in the sunshine everyday. Life is a gift and you should thank God for it everyday you’re in it! I have also been blessed to be able to donate tissue from my tumors several times to the research of colorectal cancer here in San Antonio, Texas . I pray that in some small way it will help in finding a cure for this disease . I will never stop fighting and sharing my story in hopes that it will help some one one day. God Bless you all who are in this fight with me! You will overcome!!!

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Pat Klecka says:

    This is my beautiful daughter, Lori. Today Feb. 18 2019 is the five year anniversary of the end of her fight against colon cancer. Reading her own words today brings comfort I some small WSU as I listen to her courage, and faith and positive outlook as a fighter. The Start Center in San Antonio worked so hard researching to find a cure and I’m so very proud of the fact that Lori donated her tumors to their research. I’m praying and believing that a cure will come one day for others fighting colon cancer. Lori would be so happy if her tumors opened some doors in their research to help others. God Bless all who are fighting this terrible disease.

  • Lilly Johnson says:

    So sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. My 30 year old son just had a large bleeding polyp removed. Your daughter’s story is very helpful to those going through the same thing. Thank you for sharing.

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