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Noblesville Current: Family uses tragedy to raise colon cancer awareness

Angie Hipsher speaking at the GYRIG 5K run/walk in Indianapolis in June 2012. Her husband sands behind her and their two children.

Angie Hipsher speaking at the GYRIG 5K run/walk in Indianapolis in June 2012. Husband stands behind with their two children.

On October 8, 2014, Current in Noblesville reporter Anna Skinner featured the story of the new Get Your Rear in Gear event director in Indianapolis, Angie Hipsher.

In the summer of 2012, Angie stepped up and volunteered to chair Get Your Rear in Gear – Indianapolis. Later that fall she lost her husband, Andy, to colon cancer. Now a year later, Angie’s first Get Your Rear in Gear event as the chairperson is here. She has added a “memory lane” to the event displaying photos and names of people who have been lost to the disease.

As she explained to Anna Skinner:

“One out of 20 people are diagnosed with colon cancer, it can affect anyone,” Hipsher said. “Everyone always thinks it won’t happen to them, and I was one of those people.”

Read Angie’s full story from Anna Skinner in Current in Noblesville.


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