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Survivor Story: Christine Walsh

Christine Walsh Montevale, NJ

Christine Walsh
Montevale, NJ

I’m a Survivor !!!

I was diagnosed with colon cancer at 43 with no history at all. I was ready to do the surgery head on and get rid of this demon, but it didn’t work like that. I had to get a portacath then start chemo and radiation simultaneously every day at 7;00 am. I still have neuropathy in my feet and legs from chemo. The experience made me a fighter and made me dig deep for a strength I never knew I had. My family rallied round me and this experience made us closer.

My body got weak. Then I had the surgery. It took over nine hours. Apparently the mass was growing inside me for over two years. I had no clue. I had an ileostomy and that was horrible. My bag was constantly exploding at the worst times. I had my heavy duty follow-up chemo treatments and they kicked my butt.

I needed blood transfusions then platelet transfusion. I tried to bargain with the doctors that if I got through treatment number five, could we call it quits? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I suffered through. Lost over 45 pounds. I was sick constantly, but I did it. I just had the ileostomy surgery recently and am trying to get back to normal. I am looking forward to doing the Get Your Rear In Gear walk in March. It feels great to be a Survivor !!!

I have my appetite back and I’m eating balanced diet. I am only taking Xanax at night to help me relax and sleep and I am slowly getting back to driving and walking around outside and actually living my life.

My advice to others would be to dig deep, have faith and the most important thing, know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE !!!. There is always someone you can talk to who has actually been in your shoes and knows just how you truly feel.

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