Breaking the Blues: Awaiting Scan Results

Awaiting scan results can be very stressful and start to take a toll on your mind. Time seems to move in slow motion after the scan. All you can think about is what the results will show. The blues come around time and time again, and all you want to do is break them. How will you distract yourself from all the racing thoughts?

Here are some answers we got in response to the question, “my favorite way to take my mind off scan results is…” 

1. Get moving.

2. Spend time with family and friends.

3. Pick up a hobby.

4. If you are spiritual, spend time in prayer.

The next time a scan comes around, we hope you come back to this advice. Maybe you’ll take a bike ride, spend time with your dogs, pull out the rusty roller skates… whatever it may be that takes your mind off the results, make sure you find that, and do that for yourself. Give your mind a chance to rest. You deserve it.


To see the rest of the answers, check out our Facebook and Instagram posts.

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