Faces of Blue: Kimberly Chermak

When the pandemic drove us all home to work. I got cabin fever while sitting at home for over a year. I started having a little rectal bleeding that wasn’t all the time and wasn’t a lot. So I thought nothing of it. I finally said I would do a colonoscopy on August 2, 2021. I figured maybe if I had hemorrhoids they can fix it. I never thought I would hear that they removed four cancerous polyps and that a mass was found in the rectum that was cancer.

That’s when I went upside down, my mind was spinning, and it was simply hard for me to grasp. This was also the time my daughter was in the hospital. I went to all the doctors(A LOT) and did all the tests and scheduling for surgery. The tumor was removed on September 21, 2021. I had my ileostomy bag removed later that December. Now I’m just basically still learning bathroom habits. They did genetic testing for lynch syndrome, but fortunately that was negative and my diagnosis turned out to just be random.

During all this time I had to bury my daughter too. It has been VERY hard and I wonder WHY. They say God never gives you nothing that you can’t handle, I tell you it has been hard and I am getting stronger everyday. The things that get me through is LOVE, HOPE and FAITH.



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