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Grant Announcement: Get Your Rear in Gear – Bahamas Supports Cost of Cancer Through New Grant

Through our Get Your Rear in Gear event series, the Colon Cancer Coalition is dedicated to raising grassroots awareness around colorectal cancer, and supporting community members impacted. Every Get Your Rear in Gear event islocally run by volunteers. Funds raised stay local, and community leaders make connections with gastroenterologists, support groups, colorectal cancer survivors, patients, and caregivers to find out where the needs are in each community. These funds become grants for local initiatives to support quality of life for patients and survivors, colonoscopies for under and uninsured community members, public awareness and education about colorectal cancer, and research. Below is just one of thousands of stories on how these grants have made tangible impacts in the lives of these communities. 

In 2021, Andrea Darville, a colon cancer patient, came to us here at the Colon Cancer Coalition and proposed bringing a Get Your Rear in Gear to her home city, Nassau, Bahamas. The first colon cancer run/walk event in the Caribbean.

Andrea’s initial struggle with her diagnosis propelled her into her community. Determined to make a difference, Andrea dedicated months of work to Get Your Rear in Gear – Bahamas. Unfortunately, Andrea passed away from complications due to colon cancer mere weeks before the inaugural event took place. After her passing, Andrea’s sister, Emily Darville, took over as Local Event Director for Get Your Rear in Gear – Bahamas.

“Although she was my younger sister, her wisdom and strength encouraged me during bad days,” Emily told us in a 2022 interview. “‘Always believe in yourself and ascribe to be the empowered you’ is one of her quotes that I recite to myself often to carry me through life.”

The first ever Get Your Rear in Gear – Bahamas took place in Andrea’s memory in March 2022 and raised over $15,000 with hundreds in attendance.

Now, after their second year, Get Your Rear in Gear – Bahamas is giving its first ever grant of $30,000 to the Cancer Society of the Bahamas.

“This race…was a dream of my late sister, Andrea Darville, who courageously battled colon cancer before transitioning on April 2, 2022,” she told Eyewitness News Bahamas this month.

“In her honor, I continued what she started, and I’m proud to say that we’re here today to present a check in the amount of $30,000 dollars to the Cancer Society of the Bahamas in our joint effort to fight colon cancer in the Bahamas. The grant will be issued in increments in one thousand dollars to persons fighting colorectal cancer, and are in need of assistance.” Emily concluded.

The giant colon gifted to Cancer Society of the Bahamas.

Financial support provided by this grant will help colorectal cancer patients in the Bahamas, covering medical expenses for chemotherapy, radiation, medications, colonoscopies, and biopsies.

The Coalition has also gifted a giant inflatable colon for educational use by the Cancer Society and gastroenterologists across the Bahamas to start conversations and encourage on time screening for Bahamians.

Through this grant with the Cancer Society of the Bahamas and sending a giant inflatable colon, we’re supporting Emily and Andrea’s mission to help Bahamians learn the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer and provide financial assistance to those in need.

“My sister had a servant heart; she was always willing to help anyone in need.” Emily remembers. “She constantly encouraged people to be kind, love, laugh and live life to the fullest as she did. She reminded us to ‘Live everyday as if it’s your last. Laugh hard and love a lot; and remember anything can happen to anyone.” The Coalition is proud to support colorectal cancer patients in the Bahamas with Emily’s help and in Andrea’s memory.

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • My name is Felicia Jordan I have colon cancer stage three want have surgery til Jan eight don’t have insurance for surgery my Dr postponed surgery so I can get help with surgery it’s over 1,000 dollars. Asking if u can put it in ur heart I live in Winston Salem found out I had cancer thru colonoscopy.dont have a card to put the money on but I do have address I really need this surgery u can call me at 336 5393633 please leave message if I don’t respond I will get back thank u

  • mark crider says:

    trying see what is available for with my stage 4 cancer ,living on SSA which is not much may rent is 1104 per month which leave barely anything to live,gas,food,uitlities,I can not work in my condition because of treatment of Cheomtherapy

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