From one woman's story, to a nationwide coalition.

At the first Get Your Rear in Gear event in Minneapolis in 2005, 1,200 participants raised $75,000. Today, more than 20,000 participants from over 40 cities nationwide help us give back more than $1 million annually.

Our Story

In December of 1999, Colon Cancer Coalition founder, Kristin Lindquist, received a call that would change her life forever. It was from her best friend and sister, Susie Lindquist Mjelde, calling to say she was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer.

Four months later, Susie, along with her family and friends, began a quest to stop the silence and misunderstanding around colon cancer.  Susie printed t-shirts, and a massive group formed and participated in the Mercer Island Rotary Half Marathon event (Seattle) with t-shirts that said: “Get Your Rear in Gear ~ Early Detection Saves Lives.”

After Susie died in 2002, Kristin continued to participate in the Mercer Island event, but longed for “Get Your Rear in Gear” to find its way to her home in Minneapolis. In 2005, the first official “Get Your Rear in Gear” event took place.

What We're Doing Now

The Colon Cancer Coalition remains based in Minneapolis, Minn., where we continue raising awareness and encourage colorectal cancer screening through our signature Get Your Rear in Gear®, Tour de Tush®, and Fundraise Your Way events. Each year, communities across the United States unite to fight this disease. Our community-based events put us in the unique position of being able to invest in programs at the local level to drive home the importance of screening.

Our goal is clear: to reach every community, raise screening rates, and help families tell their stories to break down the fear and stigma surrounding this preventable disease. By encouraging open conversations about colon health– making words like “colon,” “colorectal,” and “colonoscopy” a part of everyday language– we believe we can overcome fear and reduce deaths from colon cancer.

Take Action and Join Us

We invite you to take action and GET YOUR REAR IN GEAR. Volunteer to drive someone you know to their colonoscopy. Listen to your body and speak up when something doesn’t feel right. Be your own advocate by raising concerns with your doctor and asking questions. Talk to your family about their medical history, not just for cancer, but for other gastrointestinal issues too. Most importantly, GET EDUCATED and GET SCREENED.

Across the country, survivors, families, and friends are coming together in a grassroots effort to increase awareness and screening for colon cancer. We’re committed to empowering individuals to take charge of their health– eliminating the fear of colon cancer and leading to longer, healthier lives.

“Get Your Rear in Gear” is more than a slogan – it’s a call to action for all of us. Let’s come together, raise awareness, and make sure no one faces colon cancer alone.