What’s your Colon Cancer IQ?

Everyone’s risk of colon cancer is unique – this free 5-minute, evidence-based survey powered by CancerIQ can help you learn yours.

After you complete CancerIQ’s risk assessment, a personalized cancer risk profile will be generated with recommendations for how YOU can reduce and manage your personal cancer risk.

About this tool

Why should I get screened?
Surveillance and prevention are vital for anyone at a higher risk for hereditary cancers including colon cancer. Research has shown that personal and family health factors can increase your risk of developing certain types of cancer. If you are at increased risk for cancer, taking advantage of additional screening options may detect cancer at an earlier stage — or decrease your risk for ever developing cancer in the first place.

If you’ve already had colon cancer, this tool help you can better understand if you are someone who would benefit from extra screenings and/or genetic testing for cancer risk. This information is also very important for your relatives as they may be at an increased risk of colon cancer as well.

How is this different from other screenings I’ve taken in the past?
CancerIQ is a clinical-grade tool made available to advocacy partners for the first time with a mission to give patients at the highest risk of hereditary cancers the tools to stay ahead of a diagnosis. To date, it’s been utilized across 40+ leading health systems and 200+ clinical locations to deliver precision early detection, prevention, treatment, and survivorship care.

At the end of the assessment, you’ll receive a personalized risk report that will give you a big picture of your risk, your eligibility for additional screenings like genetic testing, steps to reduce that risk, and what to do next. Colon Cancer Coalition is proud to partner with CancerIQ to make the most up to date knowledge on colon cancer prevention, genetic testing for colon-cancer causing genetic mutations, and early detection available directly to you, today.

Is this tool safe?
CancerIQ is a HIPAA compliant, SOC2 certified clinical-grade tool trusted by hundreds of thousands of patients and providers to safeguard their protected health information. Colon Cancer Coalition won’t be made aware of any of the results of this risk assessment tool, unless you choose to share information you’ve learned back to us. From time to time, CancerIQ may send you reminders to stay on top of your annual screenings. For more information about how your information will be kept safe, you can check CancerIQ’s privacy policy here.


Why do we ask for your email address and phone number?
In order to be able to share a copy of your risk report letter directly with you, we’ll need your email address. In the future, we may use your email or phone number to contact you to remind you to stay up-to-date with the screenings you need to stay ahead of cancer. More information about CancerIQ’s privacy policy can be found at https://www.canceriq.com/privacy-policy.

Why do we ask about your sex assigned at birth?
We inquire about your sex assigned at birth as it is an essential foundational element in the intricate process of evaluating genetic health risks based on your unique biology. We take this approach in line with guidelines established by the NSGC (National Society of Genetic Counselors) to validate the fluidity of gender identity and distinguish it from your biological sex, which carries specific genetic information pertinent to assessing predispositions to certain health conditions. These new guidelines for assessing your genetic risk underscore a commitment to inclusive and trans-affirming healthcare practices, ensuring that all patients receive personalized and informed medical advice. It’s a step towards a more nuanced understanding of health, one that respects the diversity of human experience while addressing biological realities that impact medical care. By integrating a complete picture of your biology, we can ensure your precision prevention plan is meticulous in its consideration of your inherited health risks.

Why do we ask about Ashkenazi or European Jewish ancestry?
Ashkenazi Jews, with roots in Eastern Europe, have a higher chance of carrying certain genetic mutations due to the way their population grew from a small initial group. This small founder group had certain mutations by chance, which became more common as the population grew and intermarried within their community, a phenomenon known as the founder effect​​​​. This has led to an increased frequency of some genetic diseases within the Ashkenazi population compared to the general population. As with all information collected to assess your risk, your Personal Health Information (PHI) is protected under HIPAA, which establishes national standards to safeguard medical records and other personal health information.

How do weight and height impact cancer risk?
Being overweight or obese increases your risk of getting cancers like breast, colon, and kidney cancer​​. Taller people also have a higher risk for some cancers, but it’s not about being tall itself; it’s more about the growth process your body went through to get there. Factors like nutrition and hormones during your growth can affect this risk​​. So, keeping a healthy weight and understanding your growth can help lower your chances of getting cancer. If the questionnaire results that your height and weight increase your personal cancer risk, your risk results report will explain how and why this was determined.

Questionnaire glossary:

DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ) is a non-invasive cancer where abnormal cells are found in the lining of a breast duct but have not spread outside the duct. We ask whether  you’ve ever been diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) during a breast cancer risk assessment because DCIS is considered the earliest form of breast cancer, although it is non-invasive. This information is critical because having a history of DCIS may increase your risk of developing invasive breast cancer in the future. Understanding your history with DCIS helps us tailor screening and prevention strategies to manage your risk more effectively

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is used to alleviate menopausal symptoms by increasing levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body. It is linked to a slightly increased risk of certain cancers such as breast, ovarian, and sometimes womb cancer, although the risk is considered small and the benefits of HRT generally outweigh these risks for most people. The type of HRT (oestrogen-only vs combined oestrogen and progesterone), the method of administration (e.g., tablets, patches, gels), and the duration of use can influence the cancer risk. HRT in this context is not related to trans-affirming health care.