My family was touched by colon cancer when my dad got it almost four years ago now, then two weeks later, my 38 year old cousin called to say he had rectal cancer. 38? Are you kidding me?
I was presented in January with a bout of appendicitis, went to the ER, everyone expected to take me to the OR and pluck that nasty appendix out only to have the CT show, yes, a nasty looking appendix, but a “suspicious mass seen in the sigmoid colon”.
With my colonoscopy this past March, I was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 44. While we do not have the family gene that predisposes us to colon cancer (all genetic testing has been done) it is pretty freaky that three of us in three years have been affected by this disease.
Luckily mine was only stage 2 and no lymph node involvement, and normally, someone like me wouldn’t even be doing chemo. Since I am “young” and have young children, it was suggested to me to think about doing a precautionary round of chemo just to be absolutely sure no macro particle was still lurking anywhere.
My motto since diagnosis has been “Keep Calm and Carry On”. My husband even got me a charm to wear on my bracelet to remind me that I am a fighter and I am going to beat this calmly and with as much grace as I can muster.
I had a great surgeon, wonderful support system of family, friends, neighbors, and church friends that got me and my family through my surgery in April and subsequent chemo that started in June. I will have my last round of chemo on November 27 and will be proud to say at that time that I Am A Survivor!!!
Please never think you are too young to be affected by this condition! Be in tune with your body and get checked if you are the least little bit concerned about bowel changes or have a family history. And remember March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month!!!