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In Loving Memory: Debra K. Burns

Debra K. Burnes, Blaine, MN

Debra K. Burnes, Blaine, MN

Survived By: Husband: Bradley Burnes, Children: Jim Burnes, Brianna Burnes, and Sarah Zimmermann, Siblings: Larry Shuckhart, Michael Shuckhart, Kathy Meemken and Julie Shuckhart-Flatness.

My mom was an amazing woman. I know everyone thinks they had the best mother, but I really did. She could light up a room. When she was happy, it was infectious. She was a hard worker and would do anything for her family. She was so sick the last year, but despite that was able to help me plan my wedding. She told every nurse that helped her “You need to take good care of me, I have a wedding I need to be at in November!”

She fought so hard to make it to my wedding, but passed away two and a half months before. Though she couldn’t be there physically- no one would question that she saw me get married that day, and had the best seat in the house that day.

She was diagnosed March of 2009, went through months of chemo and a successful surgery to remove part of her colon and the spot on her liver. My mom went into remission January 6th (her birthday) of 2010, and found out December 2010 that the cancer was back, and had spread to 40% of her liver.

She went through chemo for four more months- but was selected to try an experimental drug for colon cancer. Unfortunately she had an adverse reaction that caused internal bleeding. She went into hospice June of 2012, and passed away in her home August 11th, 2012- her 33rd wedding anniversary.

I told my mom I was going to run the Rear in Gear last year- but life, work, school, and wedding planning got in the way. I regret not doing it, but this year I know she will be cheering me on in spirit as I follow through on my promise.

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