Colon Cancer Coalition (CCC) Acknowledgments, Agreements, Releases, and Waivers

If any part of this agreement should be deemed unenforceable, that portion of the agreement is severable, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full affect.

Acknowledgment of Risks

I know that participating in an active event is potentially hazardous activity. I also know that, although police protection may be provided, there may be traffic on the course route and I must watch for vehicles at intersections and on the roads. I understand that unforeseen obstacles and dangers, natural or manmade, may occur during the race or related events and that I am participating with caution and take full responsibility to take proper action to avoid these unforeseen obstacles and dangers. I understand that risks associated with running this event include but are not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather including high heat and/or humidity, condition of the roads and all other environmental conditions during the race. I recognize that if I choose to wear a portable listening device, time tracker, or other device, during the race that it may create a distraction, which may increase my risk of injury. Knowing these facts, I wish to participate, and in consideration of your acceptance of my entry fee knowingly assume the associated risks.

Fitness to Participate

By entering the event and choosing to participate, I am agreeing that I am medically fit and able. By participating, I warrant that I am in the physical condition necessary to complete the race; and have not been instructed not to do so by a health care professional.

I give my permission for medical team evaluation, treatment, and transfer to an emergency facility if needed. I agree that Colon Cancer Coalition (CCC) officials have the right to remove me from the race and related activities if they are of the opinion that it is in my best interest or the best interest of the other race participants that I be removed.

Release of Liability for Negligence & Waiver

Purpose and Scope of Agreement: This agreement releases, discharges, and waives all NEGLIGENCE claims by you, or on your behalf; and is your agreement to assume all risk of injury, disability, or death due to the negligence. This waiver should be interpreted broadly, to the fullest extent allowable by the laws of the State of Minnesota or state of the event whichever is more broad.

I hereby for myself, my spouse/partner, my heirs, executors, administrators or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, assume all risk of injury, disability or death, including injury, disability or death in connection with exposure to COVID-19 and covenant not to sue, and waive, release, and discharge CCC and any organization associated with the race, including the local governments and police, volunteers, local event staff and organizers and any and all sponsors and the directors, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, assignees or anyone acting on their behalf, from any and all negligence claims or causes of action (known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen) for death, personal injury, disease or property damage of any kind or nature including those arising out of, their negligence, omission or carelessness in the course of, my participation in this road race and all other events and activities associated with this race.

Participation Agreements

I understand that race numbers and timing chips are not transferable and fees are not refundable, under any circumstances, including but not limited to cancellation of the event or of your participation, or change in the date, nature or format of the event. An Event may be cancelled or changed for any reason, including, without limitation, severe weather or other factors that threaten the safety of participants, staff, volunteers, or the community. Cancellation or change of the date, nature, or format of an Event may be mandated by government officials or otherwise be at the discretion of CCC. CCC reserves the right to change the details of the Event, such as date, start time, course, distance and/or amenities offered in connection with the Event. I agree that neither myself nor any affiliate of me will advertise or sell any products, services, or otherwise (whether or not for profit), or solicit others for any purpose, or use the race as a forum for commercial purposes of any kind whatsoever. I also agree and understand that there may be course time limits in place after which the race course is reopened for regular motor vehicle use. I further grant permission to CCC and/or agents authorized by them to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any purpose without limitation or compensation.