A Healthy Colon Starts With B.L.U.E.

Are you looking for a way to fight colon cancer in your community? Taking the B.L.U.E. Pledge is one of the many ways to get involved in raising awareness, screening rates, and understanding of colon cancer. Take the B.L.U.E. pledge today to kick-start good health for yourself and others!


B. Be Screened

I am due for colon cancer screening and will get my colonoscopy this year, or if I am not due for my colon cancer screening, I will talk to my friends who are of age and offer to drive them to their appointments.

L. Live a healthy lifestyle

I pledge to do at least an additional 10 minutes of movement 5 days a week and replace one sugary snack with a fruit or vegetable.

U. Understand the facts about colon cancer

I understand that colon cancer does not discriminate when it comes to age. Young people under 40 are diagnosed with late stage cancer at a higher rate than those over 50, and often have experienced no signs or symptoms. I will be vigilant and be an advocate for my health with my doctors.

E. Engage others

I pledge to talk with my loved ones about our family history of cancer and other gastrointestinal diseases that may be precursors to colon cancer.


    You Pledge to:

    Be screened

    Live a healthy lifestyle

    Understand the facts about colon cancer

    Engage others

    Your Information

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