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Survivor Story: Ann Rostker

Ann Rostker, West Bloomfield, MI

Ann Rostker, West Bloomfield, MI

I am 46 year old wife, mother and sister ect. Who loves life to the fullest!! I have a husband who I grew up with, we’ve been together since we were 16 years old. We have three wonderful children whom we love dearly and are very proud of. I worked as a nurse for 22 years and quit when our youngest child was born, so I could stay home and enjoy my kids.

I went for my yearly check up and my red blood count was real low. My doctor asked me how I was feeling? I said I get very winded when I climb up the stairs. That’s it she said? I just thought I was doing too much. Then she said your anemic and you might need a blood transfusion. I had a blood transfusion and a colonoscopy. Thank God they removed all the cancer so I didn’t need any other treatment.

This was an eye opener to all of us. It made us a very close family.

Now I just eat a lot of fiber and fruit & vegetables.

For others, I would say be aware of your own body and how you are feeling!!

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