My name is Brooke and I am a single mom with 2 kids – my daughter Victoria (16) and my son Michael (12). I have stage 4 rectal cancer and…
My daughter, Queah Habern (pronounced: Quaya) was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2005 at only 27 years old. She was a dynamic and beautiful young lady, a graduate…
Editor’s Note: We are saddened to share that after living a full life Christy passed away on Nov. 29, 2022. Our hearts are with her husband, her family, and all…
I was more concerned about diabetes, not cancer. Being Native American, coming from the Zuni people, we are predisposed to diabetes. Cancer was the last thing on my list of…
My name is Stephanie, and in May of 2020, I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer at the age of 52. I had a complete hysterectomy in June with no complications….
I really feel my situation is pretty classic – with my story, I was symptomatic for about 10 years before I went to get tested at the age of 53….
Colon Cancer has changed the trajectory of my life. I lost my older brother Marvin in July 2016 after an arduous and quick two-year battle with stage IV colon cancer….
…it’s pretty incredible how social media has had such reach, and I’ve received anecdotes from people who say, “hey, based on your post, I got my colonoscopy done and I…
I’ve always faced it with as much hope and positivity as possible, but one recent incident really changed my perspective… A friend asked if I would be taking chemo for…
My brother Sean Westbrook was sent to the hospital from a routine doctor’s appointment after he complained of swelling in his feet and his doctor noticed that he had an…