Walking is an excellent form of exercise. Walking burns calories, strengthens muscles in the lower body, provides relief from stress and builds aerobic endurance. But walking for fitness should feel…
Parenthood is often the end of a commitment to fitness. Even if you’ve managed to maintain a habit, there will be days when getting out of the house is simply…
Walking is one of the most popular and accessible forms of exercise. Even so, sometimes walking gets a bad rap from fit athletic types because it is often considered a…
Adults who run forty minutes per day, or roughly five hours per week, are more likely to become centenarians according to a study reported at MSNBC.com. Researchers at Stanford University followed…
CBS News reported last week that an analysis of data released by the American Cancer Society reveals a “large disparity in funding for different types of cancer.” The report goes on to say that…
We are excited to announce several new 5K events. First up will be the 2nd annual Rochester Get Your Rear in Gear 5K on Saturday, June 26th. We moved this…