UPDATE, October 29, 2019 On the anniversary of the recovery of the #StolenColon, the reach of this story continues to amaze. Online stories mentioning the Stolen Colon is nearly 1,200…
Dr. Sri Pothamsetty with Get Your Rear in Gear – Orlando presenting sponsor Orlando Gastroenterology recently summited Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. And he didn’t make the climb empty handed! He…
World Ostomy Day guest blogger Doug Dallmann writes about letting go of disappointment, and embracing the truth that life doesn’t have to slow down because you are living with an…
What is a podcast? A podcast is a digital audio file that is available on the Internet. You can download it and listen to it offline, or stream it directly…
Knowing your family history can be key to preventing colorectal cancer, that is why the Colon Cancer Coalition and AliveAndKickn are officially entering a collaborative relationship that will help expand colorectal…
Messages on recycling kiosks throughout the city warn residents not to ignore the signs and symptoms. Blood in Your Stool is Not Normal. Unexplained Weight Loss is Not Normal. 1…
When a young person is diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer they are shocked. Not only at the cancer diagnosis, but at the type of cancer they’ve got. Why? Because this…
Today the American Cancer Society released new recommendations for average risk adults to start colorectal cancer screening at age 45. This update is being made as a response to the…
Guest Blog by Barb Kunz, LGC Today is Rare Disease Day – a day to call attention to the needs of the many people worldwide who have rare diseases. In…
We are excited to launch a collaborative relationship with COLONTOWN®, a patient-led online community dedicated to patient, survivor, and caregiver support. This relationship will help broaden both organization’s reach to…